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We’ve set out to help your animals recover and to maintain them at their optimal physical health throughout their life and into their later stages. This is regardless whether you’re preparing them for the next major competition or they’re laying on the couch snoozing next to you.
Benefits of Rosehip for Pets and Horses
It's delicious in jams and syrups but Rosehip powder is also a very effective supplement for pets and horses. In this blog we will explore this supplement and the benefits for your furry friends. Rosehips are a fruit of the wild briar [...]
Equine Muscle Injuries in Winter
As the last of the leaves fall in the decreasing autumn temperatures, the prettier the picture becomes of that open pasture of horses with their winter warmer rugs on, maybe the snow about the hill tops and the stables [...]
How does PEMF therapy work for horses?
Have you heard of PEMF therapy and wondered how it works? Read on! The gentle magnetic fields produced by our device induce electrical current inside your horse's body that helps to regulate blood flow, promotes healthy cell function, improves the [...]